上班前林書豪教我們十件事上班前林書豪教我們十件事 10 Lessons Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us Something Before We Go To Work Monday Morning 全球颳起的林書豪旋風,迅速攻占了全世界不少媒體版面。一起來讀節選自富比士的一篇文章:<周一進辦公室以前,林書豪教我們的10件事>,我們從中發現,體育場的硬道理,也是辦公室的管理哲學。時事、英文、管理一把抓,閱讀之前先造句,看看自己英文道不道地:(a) 機會總是在最不經意的時候出現。(least expect)(b) 儘管你有才華,還是會被忽略。(bring to the table) (答案在文章裡) 1. Believe in yourself when no one else does. Lin is only the 4th graduate 機車借款from Harvard to make it to the NBA. He's also one of only a handful of Asian-Americans to make it. He was sent by the Knicks to play for their D-League team 3 weeks ago in Erie, PA. He'd already been cut by two other NBA teams before joining the Knicks this year. You've got to believe in yourself, even when no one else does. 就算沒人相信,你仍要相信自己。林書豪是第四位打進NBA的哈佛畢業生。也是少數NBA的亞裔人士。三周前,他被尼克隊下放到NBDL球隊賓州伊利海鷹隊。在這個賽季加盟尼克隊之前,林書豪曾被兩支其他的NBA球隊裁掉。就算沒人相信你,你還是得相信自己酒店兼職。 2. Seize the opportunity when it comes. Lin got to start for the Knicks because they had to start him. They had too many injuries. Lin could have squandered the opportunity and we would have never have noticed. But he made the most of it. You never know when opportunities are going to arise in life. Often, (a) they're when you least expect them. Make the most of them. Don't fritter them away. 當機會來臨時,把握它。機會來時要好好把握。尼克隊讓林書豪先發是因為沒有其他選擇,傷兵太多。如果林書豪錯過這個機會,也許就得不到世人關注。但是他抓住了大部份的機會信用貸款。生活中,你從不知道機會何時會降臨。它總是在你最不經意的時候出現。盡最大努力利用這些機會,不要揮霍掉了。 3. Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them. It wasn't until a few days ago that Lin got his contract guaranteed by the Knicks for the rest of the season. His family always believed in him and picked him up when he could have gotten down on himself. If you want your family to believe in you like that, you've got to be there for them too when they need it. 家人永遠是你的支柱,你也要成為他們的支柱。直到最近幾天,林書豪才獲得尼克隊汽車借款的合約。他的家人一直都相信他,在他快要放棄的時候也給予他支持。如果你希望家人像這樣支援你,在適當的時候好好表現,不要讓他們失望。 4. Find the system that works for your style. Lin isn't Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. He's not a pure scorer. He's a passer and distributor – who can also score very well. You've got to do your best to understand what your strengths are and then ensure that you're in a system that is a good fit for those strengths. Otherwise, (b) people overlook the talents you bring to the table. 找到適合你風格、適合的環境。林書貸款豪不是喬丹或者科比布萊恩。他不是得分手。他是傳球手和配球者——同時還能得分。你瞭解自己的長處,找到能發揮所長的體系。否則,就算有才華,還是會被忽略。 5. Don't overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team. You probably manage people at your own company today. Are you sure you don't have a Jeremy Lin among you now? Take off the blinders of assumptions you wear when you look at the world. 別忽視現在可能就在你隊上的好手。你現在可能負責管理企業內部的人員。你確定自己身邊不存在林書豪這樣的人才?在觀察世界的時候,請摘下你的有色眼鏡。 6. People 情趣用品will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else. You've got to be you. You can't be some second rate copy of Michael Jordan. Judy Garland said it best: Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. 人們愛的是你的本質,別試著成為某某人。你應該保持自我,不是做喬丹的複製品。世上不可能有另外一個喬丹。裘蒂‧加蘭說得妙:永遠做一流的自己,不做二流的別人。 7. Stay humble. If you one day are lucky enough to have newspapers want to put you on the cover in order to sell more, don't let it get 裝潢to your head. It's been remarkable watching how humble Lin remains through all this media frenzy. It makes his teammates and fans love him that much more. 保持謙虛。如果有一天,你成名了,報紙媒體把你放在頭版吸引更多讀者,不要樂昏頭。即使現在所有媒體都瘋狂追逐林書豪,他依然保持謙虛。這會讓隊友和球迷更加喜愛他。 8. When you make others around you look good, they will love you forever. I didn't know how good Tyson Chandler was, until I saw him playing with Jeremy Lin. Lin has set Chandler up many times over the last week for easy dunks because he drew the 酒店兼職defense and then passed the ball. Do the same with your peers and reports. 讓你身邊的人看起來也很棒,他們會永遠愛你。我以前並不清楚泰‧錢德勒(Tyson Chandler)有多優秀,直到看到他和林書豪一起打球。林書豪妙傳助攻,為錢德勒創造了很多輕鬆灌籃的機會。在對待自己的工作夥伴和報告時,請你也這樣做。 9. Never forget about the importance of luck or fate in life. Some people believe in God, some in destiny, some in luck. Whatever you believe in, be grateful for it. 不要忘記生活中運氣或命運的重要性。有些人相信主,有些人相信命運,有些人相信運氣。不管你信什麼,請保持感恩的心會場佈置。 10. Work your butt off. Lin couldn't have seized his opportunity if he hadn't worked like crazy for years perfecting his skills. There are no short cuts to hard work. Success is a byproduct of that. Nobody gave Lin any free passes. Why should you get any? You can only control what you control and that means you've got to work harder than anyone else you know. 全力以赴。如果過去這麼多年林書豪沒有努力完善自己的技術,他就不可有機會。努力沒有捷徑。成功是努力的副產品。林書豪沒有任何免費入場券,何況你呢?你只能掌握你能掌握的,意味著你應該比身邊的人更加酒店經紀努力。

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